Gender Inequality at the Architecture Biennale 2012 ?

The participants for this year’s Biennale? A limited group of architects were asked to develop ideas that might lead to further invitations: everyone was asked to propose a project along with a dialogue that reacted to the theme and showed architecture in its context of influence and affinity, history and language, city and culture.
The final list of contributors counts 17 groups. There are, in these groups, 11 women and 17 men, with 2 neutrals (institutions).

These women are:

from Michigan Taubmann College, Ann Arbor, USA

Annuska Pronkhorst
Cassandra Wilkins
from Crimson architects historians.

Maybe the next architecture Biennale should enforce as strict quota. Or maybe it should be about ‘Girls & Architecture’. Each pavillion curator would be a woman, and contents should be given to women architects. Ahhhh yes, sorry this is toooo radical. But bear in mind that right now it’s exactly the opposite. It’s mostly curated by men, and nobody peeps a word.